Short-form Video Journalism
short feature on a team of wheelchair basketball players in Panama City, Panama

Roles: director, videographer, editor
Awards: National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences New England Chapter Student Production Awards - Best Non-fiction Short-form video | NXNEU Film Festival Offical selection

video for the Disability Justice Project about filmmakers with disabilities in the Pacific using the iPhone camera to document climate change

Roles: one of several videographers, editor

documentary on the relocation of 300 indigenous families from the small island of Gardi Sugdub to a government-funded housing development on the mainland of Panama

Roles: primary videographer, editor

video for The Scope detailing the rising risk of flooding in Chelsea, MA

Roles: director, videographer, editor

video for The Scope exploring potential impacts of a new train extension in Sommerville, MA

Roles: primary videographer, primary editor, animation